Key Fob
Revision as of 02:25, 11 December 2024 by Andrewnetherton (talk | contribs)
Kwartzlab members access the building and some tools using an RFID key fob.
Tool Access
More tools are being upgraded to be accessed with the key fob. Access is granted after a member has undergone the appropriate training. Tools that currently use key fob access:
Additional tools will be accessed via key fob, both to confirm user training status and to track tool usage.
The current fobs are NTAG215, but our system is incompatible with the 125KHz ("EM4100") versions.
There is a Slack thread with details of what to buy and avoid.
Some other options:
- - If I were to order again I'd get the kind with a watch strap (adjustable) because the loose silicone band always turns around to the heavy part on the inside of the wrist.
- 13.56mhz Rfid Wristband Silicone Bracelets Wrist Band Nfc Smart S50 1k Ic Iso14443a Door Access Control Card