CNC Router (Omni 1212)

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CNC Router (Omni 1212)
Omni CNC.jpeg
Make and Model Omni 1212
Serial Number
Area Woodshop (Area)
Maintained by Team Woodshop Team
Required PPE Eye Required, Hearing Recommended
Can Guests Use? No
Training Required? Required
Link to Training Google Classroom 4cvxq3w
Tool Status Working

Training Info

Before training on any particular tool in the woodshop, you must complete the general woodshop training which covers safety and rules that are universal for all woodshop equipment).

After that, you may complete the online portion of training via google classroom (See quick info box), then an in person portion can be coordinated by posting to the #tool-cnc-router Slack channel.

Note: Shares training with Sienci Longmill.