Tuesday Open Nights
Tuesday Open Nights (also know by the acronym "ToN" or "TON") are a regularly occuring open-to-the-public event on Tuesdays between 7 and 10pm. Guests are welcome to attend to get a member-guided tour of the lab, work on projects, share crazy ideas they want advice/help/input on, and request an interview to apply for membership.
Please note that as of September 19th 2023 our COVID-19 Restrictions have been reinstated, requiring masks for Tuesday Open Nights.
Kwartzlab Tours
Members will provide a guided Lab Tour of the space and its equipment, and may highlight any specific areas or equipment that are of particular interest, either to the guest(s) or the member. Guests are welcome to hang out in the Front Room, Textiles, Electronics or Which Craft? to socialize, but must be supervised by a member if in any other part of the lab.
Guests Working On Projects
Guests are welcome to use Kwartzlab tools during TON, with the following restrictions:
- all guests are supervised by a current, active member
- tools and equipment that require training are not to be used by guests
- the guest must know how to operate any tools safely
The supervising member is ultimately responsible for both the guest, the tools and equipment used, and the cleanliness of the space. Members who are currently on hiatus should be treated as guests at ToN and are subject to the same restrictions.
Membership Application Interviews
If a guest wishes to join Kwartzlab they may request an interview during TON, after they have read the Code of Conduct. Interviews can be scheduled ahead of time, but are largely done on-demand, pending the availability of 3 members being available to run the interview. To run the interview, log into [kOS] and click the [Membership Application] link in the side bar. This can be done by smartphone, tablet, or laptop.